AVR LCD Library

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AVR-GCC is one of famous compiler for AVR that have many community and also can run in many machine and many operating system  like Windows, mac OS and LINUX. unfortunately in AVR-GCC compiler there isn't simple Library that can connect and play LCD device  with AVR chip. Because of that, this Library (AVRLCD library) have on purpose to  make simple integrated AVR with LCD in easy way. 

About the Program

This program is a Library to access LCD device with easy way. to use this please read manual in header how to connec LCD with AVR device in 4 bit mode in lcd.h file

Using the Program Example in Eclipse

This program can well integrated with eclipse editor + avr-eclipsee plugins. Import source code can be achive in easy way as the following:

1. Right click project explorer in eclipse and choose import

choose import

2. Click General ->existing project into Workspace->next

3. Select Archive and browse file

4. After select file clik Ok

5. Click Finish

Using the Program Example in Console

if you only want run this program in console  without eclipse just edit main.c and compile this program with command

  1. make clean
  2. make all

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